5 Mind blowing facts of technology you should know

Before knowing about the fact you show know the revolutions of technology.
Industrial Revolution (1760–1830s)
he revolution was driven by cheap energy in the form of coal, produced in ever-increasing amounts from the abundant resources of Britain. The British Industrial Revolution is characterized by developments in the areas of textile machinery, mining, metallurgy and transport the steam engine and the invention of machine tools.A Watt steam engine
Before invention of machinery to spin yarn and weave cloth, spinning was done using the spinning wheel and weaving was done on a hand-and-foot-operated loom. It took from three to five spinners to supply one weaver.[82][83] The invention of the flying shuttle in 1733 doubled the output of a weaver, creating a shortage of spinners. The spinning frame for wool was invented in 1738. The spinning jenny, invented in 1764, was a machine that used multiple spinning wheels; however, it produced low quality thread. The water frame patented by Richard Arkwright in 1767, produced a better quality thread than the spinning jenny. The spinning mule, patented in 1779 by Samuel Crompton, produced a high quality thread.[82][83] The power loom was invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1787.[82]The Iron Bridge
In the mid 1750s the steam engine was applied to the water power-constrained iron, copper and lead industries for powering blast bellows. These industries were located near the mines, some of which were using steam engines for mine pumping. Steam engines were too powerful for leather bellows, so cast iron blowing cylinders were developed in 1768. Steam powered blast furnaces achieved higher temperatures, allowing the use of more lime in iron blast furnace feed. (Lime rich slag was not free-flowing at the previously used temperatures.) With a sufficient lime ratio, sulfur from coal or coke fuel reacts with the slag so that the sulfur does not contaminate the iron. Coal and coke were cheaper and more abundant fuel. As a result, iron production rose significantly during the last decades of the 18th century.[13] Coal converted to coke fueled higher temperature blast furnaces and produced cast iron in much larger amounts than before, allowing the creation of a range of structures such as The Iron Bridge. Cheap coal meant that industry was no longer constrained by water resources driving the mills, although it continued as a valuable source of power.The preserved Rocket
The steam engine helped drain the mines, so more coal reserves could be accessed, and the output of coal increased. The development of the high-pressure steam engine made locomotives possible, and a transport revolution followed.[84] The steam engine which had existed since the early 18th century, was practically applied to both steamboat and railway transportation. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the first purpose built railway line, opened in 1830, the Rocket locomotive of Robert Stephenson being one of its first working locomotives used.
Manufacture of ships’ pulley blocks by all-metal machines at the Portsmouth Block Mills in 1803 instigated the age of sustained mass production. Machine tools used by engineers to manufacture parts began in the first decade of the century, notably by Richard Roberts and Joseph Whitworth. The development of interchangeable parts through what is now called the American system of manufacturing began in the firearms industry at the U.S Federal arsenals in the early 19th century, and became widely used by the end of the century.
Second Industrial Revolution (1860s–1914)
The 19th century saw astonishing developments in transportation, construction, manufacturing and communication technologies originating in Europe. After a recession at the end of the 1830s and a general slowdown in major inventions, the Second Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid innovation and industrialization that began in the 1860s or around 1870 and lasted until World War I. It included rapid development of chemical, electrical, petroleum, and steel technologies connected with highly structured technology research.
Telegraphy developed into a practical technology in the 19th century to help run the railways safely.[85] Along with the development of telegraphy was the patenting of the first telephone. March 1876 marks the date that Alexander Graham Bell officially patented his version of an “electric telegraph”. Although Bell is noted with the creation of the telephone, it is still debated about who actually developed the first working model.[86]
Building on improvements in vacuum pumps and materials research, incandescent light bulbs became practical for general use in the late 1870s. This invention had a profound effect on the workplace because factories could now have second and third shift workers.[87]
Shoe production was mechanized during the mid 19th century.[88] Mass production of sewing machines and agricultural machinery such as reapers occurred in the mid to late 19th century.[89] Bicycles were mass-produced beginning in the 1880s.[89]
Steam-powered factories became widespread, although the conversion from water power to steam occurred in England earlier than in the U.S.[90] Ironclad warships were found in battle starting in the 1860s, and played a role in the opening of Japan and China to trade with the West.
20th century
Mass production brought automobiles and other high-tech goods to masses of consumers. Military research and development sped advances including electronic computing and jet engines. Radio and telephony greatly improved and spread to larger populations of users, though near-universal access would not be possible until mobile phones became affordable to developing world residents in the late 2000s and early 2010s.
Energy and engine technology improvements included nuclear power, developed after the Manhattan project which heralded the new Atomic Age. Rocket development led to long range missiles and the first space age that lasted from the 1950s with the launch of Sputnik to the mid-1980s.
Electrification spread rapidly in the 20th century. At the beginning of the century electric power was for the most part only available to wealthy people in a few major cities such as New York, London, Paris, and Newcastle upon Tyne, but by the time the World Wide Web was invented in 1990 an estimated 62 percent of homes worldwide had electric power, including about a third of households in[92] the rural developing world.
Birth control also became widespread during the 20th century. Electron microscopes were very powerful by the late 1970s and genetic theory and knowledge were expanding, leading to developments in genetic engineering.
The first “test tube baby” Louise Brown was born in 1978, which led to the first successful gestational surrogacy pregnancy in 1985 and the first pregnancy by ICSI in 1991, which is the implanting of a single sperm into an egg. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis was first performed in late 1989 and led to successful births in July 1990. These procedures have become relatively common.
The massive data analysis resources necessary for running transatlantic research programs such as the Human Genome Project and the Large Electron–Positron Collider led to a necessity for distributed communications, causing Internet protocols to be more widely adopted by researchers and also creating a justification for Tim Berners-Lee to create the World Wide Web.
Vaccination spread rapidly to the developing world from the 1980s onward due to many successful humanitarian initiatives, greatly reducing childhood mortality in many poor countries with limited medical resources.
The US National Academy of Engineering, by expert vote, established the following ranking of the most important technological developments of the 20th century:[93]
Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigations. here are some facts if technology hope you will enjoy it.
This fact is related to the image creating device. That is camera and camera is also called an optical instrument. Camera has a fixed focal length. The distance between the lens and the photographic flim is varied in camera. Our eye is known as a natural optical instrument but this device is called an artificial optical instrument. In this device an image is formed on a photographic flim. DO you know the first camera in the world takes 8 hours to click a single picture, whereas our modern cameras takes only a nano second to take our photo. while comparing about the technology in the past and the modern technology. Modern techmology is very vast than our traditional technology.
In 1936, Russia made an computer which runs on water. While going through the modern defination of computer a computer is an electronic device ehich takes data from the user and intreprets in it processes it and gives a meaningful result to the user through its different kinds of output devices such as Monitor, Printer, Speaker, etc. But while moving the history of computer computer is divided into 5 generations but while knowing about the history this type of computer which can be operated by the help of water. it is duch kind of the intresting fact of computer wishich will be memorable for you and this fact has been remained in my mind… hope you mind will also get this fact.
Do you know the first storage hard disk is able to store only 5 mb of data on it and the size of this harddisk is similar to the washing machine and the size of harddisk equal to the size of washing machine is termedous and huge lets give 20 seconds to imagine it…While taliking about the storage capacity of computer… the storage capacity of computer is so high and it can store termedous amount of data in it. However computer has many memory devices and storage devices but the main storage device of the computer is hard disk. Nowdays in cheap prize we can get a large storage hard disk. and nowdays we can get the hard disks of 500 GB in our normal pc. But the capacity of hard disk has been extended to Yota Bites (YB).
Do you know this fact is about facebook and the fact is facebook pays hackers to hack facebook it is a kind of test for them. As we know facebook is the most popular social media. In social media people have upoloaded their all kinds of social informations and their identiy so to protect our information it pays hacker to hack it for the test. This test determines facebook is secure or not if hackers are able to hack yhe facebook then the team of facebook manager more secure security to make our information secure as the follow the saying ” prevention is better than cure” so they makes their security system more secure before they get the hacking attack… which is good for us. So facebook is totally secure social media.
Do you know by knowing this fact please don’t worry if you are form America. The fact is realted to speaker and the fact is An american made a speaker which can brust the poeple 5 km near to it. This motive of this invention is not to harm peole but the invention is invention technology is expanded and it is also the developement of speakers also expanded.
Thank you for reading the fact and congratulations you got one fact in bonus
Do you know the first alarm clock could ring only at 4 am it was not able to customize the time for its task.
Merits of Technology.
1. It makes life easier.When electric washing machines replace exhausting hand washing techniques, and when mechanizedrailways replace long journeys by foot, people often say that here we have some prime examples oftechnology making people’s lives materially better. Technology does this by relieving us of tiring and timeconsuming jobs!
2. The pace of life gets faster.
Why wait for a letter to arrive when you can send an email instantly? Why spend a couple of weekspaddling yourself across the sea when you can fly in a few hours? Technology means that we can achieveall of our aims in record time
3. We can stay connected with others.
Before technologies such as the telephone, the railway and the internet, people could feel pretty isolatedfrom the world around them. Now, all that we need to do is to open the laptop lid or hop on a bus or trainand we will be chatting with our friends in no time.
4. Technology saves lives.
In emergency situations, a cellphone can spell the difference between life or death – one quick call andhelp will be on its way. Other technologies, such as search and rescue helicopters, also work to savelives, day in and day out.
5. Keeping food fresh, and cooking it thoroughly.
We reduce our risk of disease thanks to technologies such as refrigerators, freezers and electric ovens.Nowadays, many people have these appliances in their own homes.
6. Disseminating knowledge.
Technologies like e-readers, computers, news broadcasts and podcasts enable us to absorb as much knowledge as we like. It could definitely be argued that technology makes us smarter!
7. Voyages of discovery.
Science and engineering have created technologies that have put human beings on the moon and alsosent them to the bottom of the ocean. Technology could even enable us to live on other planets one day.
8. Technologies in medicine.
New machines for treating illnesses or screening for disease have dramatically increased our lifeexpectancies, enabling us to live longer, healthier, happier lives.
9. Bionic limbs.
New technologies have enabled amputees to have limbs that move and even feel like limbs of flesh andblood. In fact, many bionic limbs are improvements on the ‘natural’ version!
10. Getting you up in the morning.
Where would we be without that alarm clock (and its snooze function) to get us ready for work each day
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Informative blog useful for me
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